As usual i went to the "must reads" and i found the twilight novels... Just by looking at it made me very curious..well, could this be indeed a next blockbuster? The book is sold at an affordable price that made me buy the first three books... twilight, eclipse and new moon. I bought the novels without even knowing if it was worth every penny...
I started reading and i couldn't stop. it made me wonder: could a vampire empire coexist with every human?
i fell in love with every character in the novel...Who wouldnt fall in love with the character of Bella and Edward?
the love of Edward for Bella was so much that he would do every thing for her..Even wanting to let go so that Bella wouldnt even think of wanting to be a vampire too...
Bella's love for Edward. ..one knows it real and its deep but later, one you might ask..if it is, how come she is also in love with Jacob the werewolf?
i Love the cullens for sure.
There are the kind of conflicts one dosnt expect. And in these novels, it shall change one's idea of vampires...What if vampires really do exist.. What if we get to interact with them everyday without us knowing it. And what if we fall in love with one? hmmm... I could just imagine how disturbed Bella could be.
So if you guys fell like reading...grab a copy of one and start reading... trust me you wouldnt even wanna let go....i didnt.. three days, three books for me!

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